• flowers retain durability and freshness thanks to the conditioner
  • conditioner prolongs the life of the flowers in the vase
  • mix content of the sachet with water



Cut flower conditioner in powder form for solution in water. The product is intended to extend the life of cut flowers. It makes the flowers stand longer in the vase, and at the same time they look healthy and fresh. The water in the vase keeps crystal clear for a long time. Thanks to the conditioner, the water stays clean for a week, so it does not require daily exchange. The conditioner is perfectly suited for domestic use (for all flowers cut in vases), as well as for use in specialist floristic points.

Cut flower conditioners contain nutrients that visibly extend the life of cut flowers and improve their condition. After collecting it, the flowers stay fresh longer and better store water, which makes it easier to transport them from the place of purchase. The conditioner ingredients inhibit the formation of bacteria that contribute to spoilage of water, while preventing the decay of plants caused by these bacteria.

How to properly take care of cut flowers?

When we cut flowers out of our own garden or get a beautiful bouquet, we want to remind us of the wonderful moments associated with flowers as long as possible. However, to enjoy the beauty of the bouquet, we should follow a few simple rules. It is not enough just to cut flowers and place them in a vase of water. It is also important to prepare the flowers before putting them in the water, the room in which they are located, as well as the quality of the water. These few tips will certainly provide a healthy habit for the cut flowers after use.

Preparing the bouquet

When we are  buying or getting a ready-made flower composition, they are usually prepared by a professional florist. Shoots properly trimmed, and branches stripped of leaves. When the bouquet has been freshly prepared, we usually do not need to perform additional treatments before we put it in a vase. But it happens that the bunch has been prepared much earlier and has been somewhat longer at the florist’s exhibition. We will recognize this by looking closer at the cut stems. They will be clearly stale, devoid of firmness and sometimes even spoiled. Then it is good to cut at least 1 cm of stems before putting them in a vase. It is best to use sharp tools for each cut, so as not to crush the stalk that draws water. The secateurs will be perfect. We cut at an angle. Firstly, because the absorption surface will be larger, and secondly because the flat cut flowers may cling to the bottom of the vase and then the shoots will have a limited opportunity to collect water. Some recommend that the cut should be done under water, then the plant automatically sucks the water to the stem, not the air that clogs the conductive harnesses. You can use the trick, and your flowers will certainly repay you.If we want to prepare our own bouquet ourselves, let’s choose delicate flowers to be cut down – they will be standing in the vase for the longest time. The lower part of the shoot, which will be under water, should be cleaned of leaves. Because the submerged leaves will rot and dirty the water.

The location of the bouquet

An important aspect for cut flowers is also where they will be placed. You probably noticed that the florist has a fairly cool and humid microclimate. Such conditions are aimed at extending flower life. That’s why flowers are best placed in a cool room in home conditions. And if we do not have this option, let’s put bouquets at least away from the direct sun or heat sources. Cut flowers also do not like drafts. If the house has a strongly reduced humidity, as with some house plants, it is good to spray a bouquet.

Vase and water

The vase for flowers should be clean. After each maintenance of plants in the vase, let’s wash the vase thoroughly so that algae and bacteria do not leave any residue on it. Pour water out of the watering can into the vase, because not every flower well tolerates chlorinated water straight from the tap. Pour water into the vase so that the stems are submerged in 3-5 cm. This is not always possible when the flowers are loosely arranged in a vase and drink large amounts of water.

Too deep immersion, which goes back to the leaves themselves, creates the possibility of rotting and developing bacteria. The duration of flowers in the vase will lengthen the appropriate nutrients for cut flowers. Conditioner for cut flowers contains nutrients that the plant gets from the ground in growing conditions. The conditioner will also prevent the growth of microorganisms. Despite the use of flower conditioner, water should be replaced. The way the flower conditioner is used is in the instructions for use. Fresh water with the addition of flower conditioner is a new portion of needed minerals. Remember that flowers can “drink” all the water from the vase especially on warm days. To avoid wilting, let’s sprinkle fresh water every day and wash the vase.

Application method

Before putting cut flowers into the water, you should cut them at an angle of 2 cm.

Flower shoots cut straight have a difficult water intake. The conditioner should be used once a week after dilution with water. One sachet (5 g) conditioner is enough for 1/2 liter of water. Apply cut flowers in the solution obtained.

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Plant protection products should be used with safety. Read the label and product information before each use. Familiarize yourself with the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label.

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