Discus 500 WG

  • fights the mildew on currants and gooseberries
  • agent intended for use by professional users


Gardener's Pharmacy

Active substance content:

  • Kresoxime methyl (compound from the strobilurin group) – 500 g / kg (50%)

Discus 500 WG is a fungicide in the form of granules for the preparation of a local systemic suspension for the preventive use in protection against fungal diseases of apple, pear, black currant, red currant, white currant, gooseberry, highbush blueberry, cranberry, ornamental trees, tree nurseries and ornamental shrubs, cultivated in the ground and under cover, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, chrysanthemums and roses, grown in a greenhouse and under cover of ornamental plants.

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Opakowanie jedn. Opak. zbiorcze: Nr katalogowy: EAN:
5 g 12 pcs 2040 5902341102564

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Plant protection products should be used with safety. Read the label and product information before each use. Familiarize yourself with the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label.

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