Lencare-S – Preparation limiting the effects of diseases on fruit plants

  • biopreparation containing natural extracts of flax seeds
  • reduces the effects of diseases on fruit plants
  • preparation ready for immediate use
  • supports the proper growth of plants


Agrecol Natura

Recommended in the cultivation of strawberries, vines, raspberries, blueberries, currants, gooseberries, plums, pears, apples and other fruit plants.

Plant diseases are most often the result of feeding of sucking and biting pests. As a result of mechanical tissue damage, pathogens have an easier path of infection. Wind-borne and particles of water in the air, fungal spores and bacteria infect sensitive parts of plants. The ingredients contained in the biopreparation create conditions unfavorable for the development of pathogens and strengthen the natural immune system of plants.

In the course of evolution, plants have adapted to the fact that they are to some extent attacked by diseases and pests. The loss of a small amount of the assimilation apparatus does not adversely affect their growth and yield, therefore, when observing the first symptoms of disease, we do not have to resort to chemical plant protection products just yet. Biopreparations are great for use as preventative agents, especially even before the disease symptoms appear on plants.

The product has the NIZP-PZH Certificate, which means that it meets the current safety standards.

Application method

Stosować od marca do października co 7-10 dni, dokładnie spryskując wszystkie części roślin, omijając kwiaty oraz pąki kwiatowe. Zabiegi należy rozpocząć prewencyjnie, czyli zanim wystąpią na uprawach objawy chorobowe. Preparat można stosować w trakcie zbioru owoców.

Nie należy mieszać preparatu ze środkami grzybobójczymi. Jeżeli zaistniała potrzeba zastosowania fungicydów, zabieg preparatem można wykonać w odstępie minimum jednego tygodnia od wykonanego zabiegu preparatem chemicznym.

Available packages

Opakowanie jedn. Opak. zbiorcze: Nr katalogowy: EAN:
500 ml 8 pieces 747 5902341007470

Our tips

Other recommended products


Plant protection products should be used with safety. Read the label and product information before each use. Familiarize yourself with the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label.

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