Mineral gel palm & yucca fertilizer

  • to supply all species of tropical plants, including palm, yuk and dracaena
  • ensures proper nutrition of plants
  • also for hydroponics


Mineral Gel


EC fertilizer
nitrogen (N) – 7%
phosphorus (P2O5) – 3%
potassium (K2O) – 7%

boron (B) 0.02%, copper (Cu) * 0.002%, iron (Fe) * 0.02%, manganese (Mn) * 0.015%, molybdenum (Mo) 0.002%, zinc (Zn) * 0.015%
* chelated by EDTA

Mineral gel palm and yucca fertilizer is a liquid mineral fertilizer in the form of a gel, for dissolution in water. Designed for nutrition of all varieties of tropical plants such as palm, yucca, dracaena, grown both in soil and hydroponics.

Palm trees, yucca and dracaena are plants that in their natural conditions can grow up to great sizes. It is true that in home conditions these plants will never reach the target size, but to build large, healthy-looking leaves they need basic nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Mineral gel palm and yucca fertilizer fully covers this nutritional need of these plants. In addition, it enriches the substrate with micronutrients, which are equally important, because they make the plant completely nourished. Due to proper nutrition, plants tolerate different conditions than natural conditions. In palm, yucca and dracen, we can often see yellowing of leaves or sticking out of the tips, making the plants less and less attractive. All this is due to the dry air in the rooms, which causes the plant to evaporate huge amounts of water. Potassium helps the water management of plants, which reduces the risk of unwanted symptoms. Nourished with nitrogen and phosphorus, the plants maintain longer healthy and green leaves, so they do not fall off as quickly as it is in plants poorly fed.

Application method

The packaging contains a transparent cap for precise and convenient metering of the fertilizer dose. The cap indicates three levels of dosage, depending on the amount of water we use for watering:

  • I level – a dose of 7 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 2 liters of water
  • II Level – a dose of 14 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 4 liters of water
  • III level – a dose of 21 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 6 liters of water

* in hydroponics, half the dose of fertilizer should be used (eg a dose of 7 ml of fertilizer is enough to dissolve in 4 liters of water)

Terms of use

Use fertilizer once a week from March to October. However, during the winter dormancy period (from November to the end of February), supply once a month. Young plants fertilize using half the dose. Do not exceed the recommended doses, as this could damage or destroy the plants.

Available packages

Opakowanie jedn. Opak. zbiorcze: Nr katalogowy: EAN:
250 ml 8 pcs 562 5902341005629

Our tips

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Plant protection products should be used with safety. Read the label and product information before each use. Familiarize yourself with the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label.

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