Scorpion 325 SC

  • fights fungal diseases in the cultivation of vegetable plants, strawberries and ornamental plants
  • agent intended for use by non-professional users


Agrecol Professional

Content of active substances:

  • azoxystrobin (a compound from the strobilurin group) – 200 g / l (18.2%)
  • diphenoconazole (a compound from the triazole group) – 125 g / l (11.4%)

Scorpion 325 SC – FUNGICYD, concentrate in the form of a concentrated suspension for dilution with water (SC) with deep and systemic action.
According to the FRAC classification, the active substance diphenoconazole is included in the FRAC 3 group, while the active substance azoxystrobin is included in the FRAC 11 group.

Application method

The agent is intended for use with a self-propelled or tractor field sprayer or a hand-held sprayer (including a knapsack).
For greenhouse applications – the product is only approved for use in greenhouses with durable construction, insulated from the ground.

strawberry* (soil cultivation and under covers cultivation) anthracnose ofstrawberry,

common spot of strawberries

10 ml in 3-12 l for 100 m2
onion, leek, chive

(for bunching)

anthracnose of onion plants 10 ml in 2-6 l of water for 100 m2
carrot powdery mildew of umbellatum plants, carrot black rot, alternalia of carrots  10 ml in 2-6 l of water for 100 m2
cauliflower alternaria, leaf spot, pieris brassicae 10 ml in 2-6 l of water for 100 m2
cawel, brussels sprout,savoy cabbage plants alternalia, powdery mildew of cabbage plants, leaf spot 10 ml in 2-6 l of water for 100 m2
broccoli * plants alternalia, rot, powdery mildew, leaf spot 10 ml in 2-6 l of water for 100 m2
string-bean * askochytoza, powdery mildew 10 ml in 3-12 l of water 100 m2
tomatoe* (cultivation in soil, under covers and in greenhouses) powdery mildew, alternaria,

brown leaves spot,

potato blight

10 ml in 5-15 of water for 100 m²
pepper* (cultivation in soil, under covers and in greenhouses) powdery mildew, alternaria,

brown leaves spot

10 ml in 5-15 l of water for 100 m²
ornament plants nurseries* powdery mildew, leaves spot, rust, soil pathogens 10 ml in 3-12 l of water for 100 m²
peas for green seeds*  powdery mildew 10 ml in 3-12 l for 100 m²
napa cabbage* plants alternalia, powdery mildew, leaves spot, 10 ml in 2-6 l for 100 m²
dulce apium*,

celaric apium*

anthracnose, powdery mildew,

plant rot, celery saptoriosis 

10 ml in 2-10 l for 100 m²
asparagus*  asparagus rot, asparagus spot 10 ml in 2-10 l for 100 m²
cucumber* (cultivation in soil, under covers and in greenhouses) powdery mildew, scap of cucurbitaceae 10 ml in 5-15 l for 100 m²
lettuce* (soil cultivation) plants rot,

lettuce mildew

10 ml in 3-12 l for100 m²


Available packages

Opakowanie jedn. Opak. zbiorcze: Nr katalogowy: EAN:
500 ml 12 pcs 2278 5902341104094

Our tips

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Other recommended products

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Plant protection products should be used with safety. Read the label and product information before each use. Familiarize yourself with the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label.

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